

Kevin Deacon is a Gold Coast based Glass Artist

glass chimes, glass plates and glass mobiles

All pieces in his collection are hand-made by Kevin.

He uses only the best glass and sources from all over the world. By this means, he is able to achieve strong, vibrant, translucent colours that catch the light and cause it to dance around the room.

Wind Songs

When the wind catches them, different glasses and shapes create the beautiful sounds of the chimes. Each piece of glass makes it’s own individual sound.

The rippling tinkling sound produced as each piece of individual glass comes in contact is a pleasure to hear. This gentle sound can spark your imagination.

You will instantly feel as if you are surrounded by the marvels and beauty of nature – the chirping birds, the cascading bubble of a stream or the rippling waves of the ocean, they are all within the magic of each wind chime.

Unique Style

Over many years, Kevin has developed a unique style which captures the essence of the Gold Coast and Australia. Many clients who have bought his pieces have continued to build on their collections over the years.

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